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SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

When the computers connected to a network need communicating with each other in order to exchange data among themselves, they are required to talk in the same "Language". These sorts of Languages are termed as Protocol in computer and communication world and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is one of these protocols. The main purpose of using SNMP protocol is to administer Computers and other Network devices from one or more than one center.

With the aid of SNMP protocol, in order to watch and control the devices other than computers, a two-step installation is required:

In the first step the SNMP adapter should be installed and in the second step it is necessary to install the SNMP software.

In order to make the SNMP adapter and the connected device as members of the network, a TCP/IP number must be assigned to the adapter and the settings like 'sub-net mask' and such should be done correctly. Since then, this assigned number becomes the address of the device in the network. Moreover, this TCP/IP number contains information of the computers that would have access to the device data.

In order to watch the SNMP devices from one center, it is only possible with the aid of SNMP administration software programs. Although there are many software programs available to that purpose, most of them are unable to provide desired features and customization facilities. In order to satisfy the ever-increasing demands, ENEL endeavored in research and development on SNMP and prepared this SNMP Universe Program.

SNMP Universe Program is a Windows based network observation and administration software that facilitates observing all the SNMP devices connected to the network from one center.

With the help of this software program the UPS devices can be monitored too. As soon as the UPS devices are connected to the network through SNMP adapters and their proper network settings are completed, the UPS devices are ready to sent all their parameters to this software program.

The screen view of this software program can be seen in the figure below:

By using the main window of this software program it is possible to observe SNMP compatible devices all over the country or all over the world at the same time. With the aid of developed listing options it is easy to administer the devices, to learn how many devices are there in a particular region or to obtain detail information of the devices just by one click of the mouse. In the figure below detail information of a particular UPS device can be seen on window screen:

The time interval for information request (polling) to the UPS, the values to be observed, the size of this figure with respect to that of the one to be seen on screen and such can be observed and their settings can be changed from this screen.

The window below displays the parameters' values obtained from a particular UPS device:

As it is seen, with the aid of this software program and by some clicks of your mouse, you can easily observe all the information belong to UPS devices remotely placed anywhere in the World.

By SNMP Universe program you can observe and obtain detail information not only of UPS devices but also of all SNMP compatible network devices.

SNMP Universe Program is prepared by ENEL ENERJI ELEKTRONIK A.S.